Get Assistance with Home Repairs in Lancaster County, SC

Are you a homeowner in Lancaster County, SC looking for assistance with home repairs? The South Carolina Housing Trust Fund (SC HTF) is a great resource for developing and maintaining affordable, safe, and quality housing for the state's low to very low income households. Through the Supportive Housing Program, the Housing Repair Program, and the Intensive Housing Repair Program, eligible homeowners can receive financial assistance to help them perform essential repairs to the interior and exterior of their home. The Supportive Housing Program helps develop affordable rental housing options for individuals and families with complex housing needs who may need supportive services to live independently in the community. The Housing Repair Program and the Intensive Housing Repair Program provide financial assistance to help homeowners with low or very low incomes perform essential repairs to the home to correct life, health and safety problems so that they can live safely in their homes.

Funding and assistance for eligible housing repairs and supportive housing projects are provided through three main programs: the Housing Repair Program, the Essential Housing Repair Program, and the Supportive Housing Program. SC Housing manages the HTF program in partnership with other government organizations, nonprofit sponsors, and affordable housing developers. SC homeowners seeking help repairing their homes should contact a non-profit sponsor approved by SC Housing whose service area covers the county in which their property is located. These programs help repair or replace major housing systems, including roofs, water heaters, and HVAC equipment. The HTF program also coordinates its efforts with other federal, state, and local housing assistance programs to achieve maximum benefit for participants. If you are a homeowner in Lancaster County, SC looking for assistance with home repairs, contact a non-profit sponsor approved by SC Housing today.

You may be eligible to receive financial assistance to help you perform essential repairs to your home so that you can live safely in your home.

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